Teamwork in the classroom, despite being a didactic strategy that has been used over time, has now gained strength, and many of the classroom dynamics are raised through collaborative learning.
There is no doubt about the long list of benefits of this method, from the improvement of transversal competences related to interpersonal communication, social skills, teamwork skills … to the most active role of the students with the search, Analysis and synthesis of information. And therefore, a more meaningful learning.
But the debate is still open in relation to how to carry out this teamwork and this collaborative learning, what elements should be considered for the implementation and how to carry out its evaluation.
Regarding this last question related to the evaluation, there are many elements to take into account and to reflect on the evaluation process. To begin with, in an educational context, we can not understand evaluation without it being used to learn and improve. Any type of evaluation must serve to improve the student’s learning.
On the other hand, carrying out an evaluation of team work does not imply annulling the individual evaluation. We can evaluate the product that a team has made and at the same time, evaluate the learning process individually for each of the students. In this way, we evaluate learning and how learning has been carried out.
In addition, another aspect to be taken into account is that the evaluation process is feasible and feasible, that is, the teacher responsible for the evaluation manages the time and efforts to implement the data collection / information on the student ( s) and perform the feedback.
Finally, the evaluation must be precise, with clear indicators that must be provided to the person evaluated so that they have knowledge of which aspects will be evaluated, for example in the heading format. If we evaluate teamwork, the indicators have to refer to both the product and the process. In this case, I enclose a rubric to evaluate the teamwork process (developed in the framework of the project The promotion of transversal competence of teamwork of the GID_GAP research group).
I hope it is of your help.