I recommend reading Pedagogías Emergentes: 14 preguntas para el debate. As the title suggests, part of the base of 14 questions that will lead you to endless reflections on emerging pedagogies, led by experts in the field of pedagogical innovation.
I attached the chapters of the book:
1. Where do we go with the emerging pedagogies? (Javier Martínez)
2. Why do new pedagogical proposals emerge? (Jordi Grané, Anna Forés)
3. What should we get rid of in order to change education? (Ana María Fernández, Gilberto Pinzón)
4. Is there something old in the new? (Anna Escofet, Begoña Gros, Montse Payà)
5. What does neuroeducation tell us about emerging pedagogies? (Jesús C. Guillén, Anna Forés)
6. What must be done to consolidate an educational innovation? (Angel Fidalgo, M. Luisa Sein-Echaluce)
7. Can there be innovation if the evaluation does not change? (Laia Lluch, Maite Fernandez-Ferrer, Elena Cano)
8. Do good practices of others help to innovate in the teaching itself? (Teresa Pagès, Artur Parcerisa)
9. Do emerging pedagogies demand other knowledge from teachers? (Jordi Quintana, Joan-Anton Sánchez)
10. Are passion methodologies optimal? (Dolors Reig)
11. Does a new teacher type emerge from the bottom up? (José Blas García)
12. What is the role of technologies in emerging pedagogies? (Elena González de la Cámara, Esther Subias)
13. Are emerging technologies behind bars? (Anna Rubio, Julio Zino)
14. Are there emerging pedagogical environments? (Judit Onsès, Esther Belvis)